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Invisalign – Fairfax, VA

Clear Braces to Invisibly Align Your Smile

It doesn’t matter your age — everyone can benefit from properly-aligned teeth. Invisalign is a wonderful way to straighten your teeth without having to wear visible metal brackets and wires in the process. If your teeth are gapped, crowded, or otherwise misaligned, you may find it more difficult to brush, floss, or you may experience jaw pain due to an overbite or underbite. All of these issues are known as “malocclusion” — and cosmetic dentist Dr. Marjun Ayati can help with Invisalign in Fairfax, VA.

What Is Invisalign?

Hand holding Invisalign clear braces tray

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment option that uses a series of clear plastic aligners to gradually reposition the teeth over a period of 12 to 18 months, on average. The Invisalign aligners are removable and practically invisible when worn. This option is suitable for older teens and adults alike -- and it can treat the most common orthodontic issues, including overbite, underbite, gaps between teeth, and tooth crowding.

How Do Clear Braces Work?

Smiling man shaking hands during Invislaign consultation

Invisalign functions using the same orthodontic principles as conventional braces, except without all the visible metal hardware. A series of clear braces will be created according to the specific dentition of the teeth at every stage of the treatment. Each aligner set should be worn for 20 to 22 hours every day and removed only before eating, drinking, and for special occasions. You will be able to advance to the next set after one to two weeks, depending on our recommendation.

Learn More About The Invisalign Process

Benefits of Invisalign

Silver Invisalign Provider logo

One of the biggest perks of Invisalign is the results; you’ll have straight teeth and a beautiful smile after you’ve worked through your series of clear aligners! Of course, that’s just one of the many perks for patients who need orthodontic treatment but do not want to wear metal braces for a year or more. Some of the most significant advantages of Invisalign include:

Improved Comfort

Group of friends smiling for selfie

There’s a significant perk that often isn’t talked about: Invisalign is considerably more comfortable than traditional metal braces. That’s because there aren’t any brackets and wires! Instead, a series of custom-made, smooth, high-quality, and low-profile aligners are made to guide your teeth into their properly aligned positions. So, you won’t have to worry about persistent, uncomfortable soft-tissue irritation during your journey to a straighter smile.

Removable Trays

Wedding guest smiling outside

Traditional braces can only be removed by a professional. That’s not the case for Invisalign! As a result, you can slip the aligners out before special occasions, big events, work lunches, and the like. The only caveat is that you have to put them back on soon after to make sure you meet the 20-22 hour-a-day wear time. One of the easiest ways to make sure this happens is by setting a reminder on your phone.

Easy Dental Hygiene

Woman smiling while brushing her teeth

Because of the brackets and wires, patients with traditional braces often need interproximal toothbrushes, pre-threaded floss, and other special tools to complete their oral hygiene regimen. Conversely, Invisalign allows your oral health to stay strong because there are no obstacles to brushing and flossing. Just take your aligners off, rinse them with clean, cool water, place them in their designated case, and complete your dental care routine as usual.

Fewer Check-In Visits

Man smiling while shaking dentist's hand

Sometimes, the monthly appointments are enough to deter busy students, professionals, and parents from moving forward with orthodontic treatment. The good news is that fewer visits to the dentist’s office are required. Instead of every four weeks (which is usually the case with traditional braces), the check-in visits for Invisalign are every 6-8 weeks. So, your calendar won’t be packed with appointments if you commit to clear aligners either!

Quick Follow-Ups

Smiling woman sitting in dental office

We mentioned above that the follow-up appointments are spaced out, but we didn’t mention that they are also pretty quick! When you arrive, we’ll take you to the treatment room and get updated scans of your teeth. Then, we can monitor how your teeth are moving and, if everything is tracking as anticipated, we will send you on your way with your next batch of aligners. From start to finish, this can take as little as 15 minutes.

Freedom to Eat Your Favorite Foods

Woman smiling while drinking green smoothie and reading

Something else that makes Invisalign unique is that it doesn’t come with any dietary restrictions! That’s because the aligners are removable, so there isn’t the risk of a damaged bracket or wire like there is with traditional braces. So, you can enjoy whole apples, tortilla chips, popcorn, and the like worry-free.

Living with Invisalign Aligners

Woman smiling while working at home

Prior to signing on the dotted line, you might be curious to learn a little bit more about life with Invisalign. How do you clean the aligners so they don’t turn yellow? How much time do you need to dedicate to follow-up visits? What happens if you accidentally break one of your aligners? You’ll find the answers to these questions below.

Wearing Your Trays

Dentist holding clear aligner with blue gloves

Wearing your trays for the majority of the time day in and day out is extremely important to stay on-track with your treatment plan. That’s why patients are encouraged to wear theirs for 20-22 hours a day. If you’re not sure if you’re meeting this goal or not, try using the stopwatch on your phone. You can also set reminders on your phone so you don’t forget to put your aligners back on after eating or completing your dental care regimen.

Cleaning Your Aligners

Patient using toothbrush to clean clear aligner

Fortunately, cleaning your aligners isn’t a time-consuming process, and it doesn’t require special oral hygiene products either. To prevent food debris, plaque, and bacteria from clinging to the surface, we recommend rinsing them thoroughly with clean, cool water each time you take them off. Then, use clean water and a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently scrub each surface of your trays before putting them back on.

Eating & Drinking

Woman smiling while eating meal at restaurant

Invisalign isn’t just hassle-free in the oral hygiene department; it’s hassle-free when it comes to eating and drinking too! That’s because you don’t need to cut out any foods from your diet entirely. All you need to do is take your aligners off first and do your best to stick to well-balanced meals that are filled with nutrient-dense foods.

It’s also important that we mention here that you should always take off your trays before drinking anything other than water, including iced coffee.

Damaging a Tray

Patient holding clear aligners in black and blue case

Although Invisalign aligners are crafted from extremely durable materials, it is possible for them to warp or break. If you find yourself in this situation, then call our Fairfax dental office right away to share what happened and how severe the damage is. With this information in mind, we can determine the best way to proceed, like having you move onto your next set of aligners in the series a bit earlier than anticipated.

Routine Check-Ins

Patient reclined in treatment chair smiling

It’s important that you make time in your schedule to come in for your check-in visits throughout your teeth-straightening journey. That’s because we use these appointments to monitor how your teeth are tracking in comparison to your treatment plan. The good news is that these visits are less frequent than traditional braces (usually every six to eight weeks instead of every four).

iTero Element: 3D Digital Scanning


One crucial factor of Invisalign success is achieving the proper aligner fit. And, thanks to the iTero Element scanner, we can capture a 3D digital image of your teeth in just minutes. iTero replaces conventional impressions that are taken by biting into a hunk of wet cement several times, a method which causes many patients to gag, and may fail to make visible all the different features of your unique bite.


With the precise information captured by iTero, we are able to create aligners that fit, feel, and function perfectly -- for far better results overall. Plus, this tool also provides an outcome simulator to let you see what your smile will look like once the treatment is complete. Invisalign is more comfortable, efficient, and successful overall thanks to the iTero Element -- and this wonderful tool is right here in our dental office!

What is a Malocclusion?

Closeup of straight healthy smile after malocclusion treatment

“Malocclusion” simply means that there is a misalignment of the teeth. It may be as simple as a gap between your two front teeth or as complex as a cross bite between your upper and lower jaws. Most people have a malocclusion to some extent. If you do, too, then finding a solution is important.

Learn More About Malocclusion

Who Can Invisalign Help?

a patient receiving her new Invisalign aligners

Those who don’t have straight teeth or are experiencing bite misalignment issues might be eligible for Invisalign. Instead of needing metal brackets and wires, you can achieve your dream look by wearing a series of custom clear aligners. Invisalign can help address a wide variety of orthodontic problems so that you can enjoy showing off a straighter set of pearly whites in the long run.

Crowded Teeth

a 3D representation of crowded teeth on a lower jaw

Oftentimes teeth can become too crowded in the mouth. Not only will this negatively impact your look, but it can also put your smile at risk of oral health issues, including:

  • Gum disease
  • Difficulty biting down
  • Tooth decay
  • Jaw pain or discomfort

With Invisalign, we can help you gradually shift your teeth so that they’re perfectly aligned and supporting each other. In addition to straightening your grin, it’ll also make it easier for you to maintain them with daily oral hygiene.

Gaps Between Teeth

a 3D depiction of gaps between teeth

While gapped teeth may not have a high chance of damaging each other, the space between them can become potential areas where bacteria, debris, and plaque can accumulate. Since this makes it easier for germs to settle and grow, your smile can end up with an increased chance of developing gum disease and tooth decay. By bringing your teeth closer together, you can minimize this risk while also improving your appearance.


a 3D representation of teeth forming an overbite

An overbite is when the upper teeth protrude far in front of the lower ones, creating a slightly uneven bite. Oftentimes, this can develop into issues with speech difficulties, jaw discomfort, uneven dental wear, and trouble with opening and closing the mouth. The upper teeth also won’t have much support, leaving them vulnerable to damage and injury. Invisalign, along with other appliances like rubber bands, can retrain the lower jaw so it sits properly under your upper jaw.


a 3D depiction of teeth forming an underbite

This is the opposite situation of an overbite, as your bottom pearly whites might jut out further away from the top ones. This alignment issue can be caused by several factors, such as jaw injury, genetics, and non-nutritive habits (like thumb sucking after a certain age). On top of jaw discomfort, an underbite can increase your chance of experiencing complications like difficulty chewing/speaking, mouth breathing, and a higher risk of sleep apnea. By using elastic bands and Invisalign aligners, you can effectively move the lower jaw back and slightly behind your upper teeth.


a 3D illustration of teeth forming a crossbite

In some cases, a patient might have some lower teeth in front of their upper ones and vice versa, creating a crossbite. Whether caused by genetics or poor oral habits, this alignment issue can lead to other problems like a higher risk of gum disease, teeth grinding, headaches, facial asymmetry, decay, and trouble speaking. Invisalign can help realign your bite, but if the root cause is problems with jaw development, you might also need to use elastic bands and other accessories.

Open Bite

a 3D illustration of teeth forming an open bite

If you close your mouth completely and there’s still a space between your upper and lower teeth, then you might have an open bite. Not only can this make it difficult to eat certain foods, but you’ll also be at a higher risk of uneven dental wear and speech difficulty. Invisalign can help bring both arches together, improving your bite pattern and minimizing your chance of dental injury.

Understanding the Cost of Invisalign

Dentist explaining cost of Invisalign in Fairfax to a patient

Invisalign is a highly personalized treatment plan, which means the costs of your smile realignment can widely vary depending on a few unique factors. These will be discussed in more detail during your consultation at our office. In the meantime, you can start learning about the cost factors of this incredibly popular treatment today on our website!

Factors that Affect the Cost of Invisalign

Woman holding a clear aligner and dental model with braces

The cost of completing Invisalign treatment will be determined during your consultation. However, the most important factors to keep in mind include the following:

  • The number of arches you need to have straightened (it’s more common to have both the top and bottom arch treated, but this is not always the case)
  • The overall complexity of your treatment (i.e. addressing a single gap in between your two front teeth is less expensive than addressing multiple severely crooked teeth or an uneven bite)
  • The length of your treatment (the more aligners you need, the longer it will take to complete your realignment)

Which Costs More: Invisalign or Smile Direct Club™?

Person holding a clear aligner for Invisalign in Fairfax

Those who only want a quick fix for their mildly misaligned teeth may find Smile Direct Club to be a better option. This is mainly because the treatment is not meant for more complex cases and is therefore cheaper on average (i.e. about $2,000 for Smile Direct Club compared to $3,000 - $8,000 for Invisalign).

With that said, Smile Direct Club forces people to manage their treatment on their own. This includes the process of creating their own impressions, which are then used to create the aligners. There is zero oversight from an actual dental professional. As a result, it’s possible for things to go wrong, resulting in needing professional care from a dentist anyway.

In contrast, Invisalign ensures you have dedicated oversight and review from our dentists Dr. Ayati and Dr. Young. They’ll be reviewing your progress every step of the way and prepared to offer recommendations in case things aren’t going as planned. This gives many patients peace of mind that their treatment is progressing smoothly.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Invisalign?

Invisalign dentist in Fairfax helping a patient

There are dental insurance plans that offer coverage for orthodontic treatment, but Invisalign is commonly left out of these benefits. However, you should always check your plan in advance before you assume that they don’t. Our team members are happy to help you navigate your insurance plan and confirm if you get coverage. If you have an FSA account, it can also help you cover your dental care costs.

Options for Making Invisalign Affordable

Man giving a thumbs up while visiting the dentist

Even if you don’t have a dental insurance plan, there are other options available to you to make your Invisalign treatment more affordable. For example, our in-house Wellness Plan can help you save on other services, making it easier to cover the costs of Invisalign.

Additionally, we offer third-party financing solutions like CareCredit. Payment plans from this financier not only make it possible to pay for treatments on a monthly basis, but you can often expect little to no interest attached to these installments!

Fairfax Dental Group is happy to help patients achieve a straighter smile and educate them on the treatment process. If you’d like to learn more about the financial details associated with Invisalign, give our office a call!

Invisalign Frequently Asked Questions

Invisalign alignment tray

Is Invisalign in Fairfax right for you? Dr. Ayati is here to answer any questions you might have about this orthodontic treatment. When making a long-term plan to straighten your smile, it’s important to learn as much as you can about the treatment you receive before committing to anything. Here are some questions that many patients have asked during their initial Invisalign consultation; feel free to bring up any concerns of your own to ensure that you have a clear picture!

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

The length of Invisalign treatment largely depends on the severity of your case. On average, it can take 12 to 18 months for Invisalign to straighten your teeth; however, a simple treatment could be as short as six months while more complex cases might require 24 months or slightly longer. Since everyone’s teeth are slightly different, no two patients will have the same treatment requirements even if they’re suffering from a similar issue. Still, as long as you wear the aligners for at least 20 to 22 hours a day, Invisalign treatment is typically shorter than traditional orthodontics, which can take about two to three years.

Can I Get Invisalign Even If I’ve Already Had Braces or Other Dental Work?

Many patients who wear braces during childhood find that their teeth have shifted years later. In these cases, Invisalign can be an excellent option to shift your teeth back without other people noticing. Also, it might be possible to switch to Invisalign even if you’re currently wearing braces; we can examine your teeth to figure out whether this is the best approach. 

It’s sometimes possible to get Invisalign to straighten teeth in Fairfax after you’ve gotten a veneer, crown, or dental bridge. It largely depends on if your restoration allows the aligners to move each tooth individually. Talk to us about the state of your oral health so that we can create an appropriate treatment plan.

Can Invisalign Aligners Become Stained?

Some dark-colored foods, such as blueberries or tomato sauce, may remain on your teeth after you’re done eating. If you put your aligners back in your mouth without removing this food residue, the plastic can become stained. To avoid this, brush your teeth after every meal before wearing your aligners again. Also, you should clean your aligners on a regular basis; you can brush them with a soft toothbrush and rinse them with lukewarm water. (Never use hot water; the plastic could become warped if it gets too hot.)

How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

Invisalign usually has a cost similar to that of traditional braces, although the exact price will vary depending on how many aligners you get and whether you comply with the treatment. If you have dental insurance, check to see if Invisalign is covered; usually, any plan that will help pay for braces will also provide coverage for Invisalign. If you don’t have insurance, feel free to ask us about financing through CareCredit. We’ll do everything we can to make paying for your Invisalign treatment as painless as possible.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

Woman taking a selfie after Invisalign treatment

Are you interested in improving the alignment of your bite with Invisalign aligners? The benefits of straight teeth are endless -- and you deserve to enjoy them. Many people are eligible candidates for Invisalign. Go ahead and contact your dentist in Fairfax to get started on your orthodontic treatment today.

We are located in the Yorktown 50 Building, within walking distance of the Mosaic District.