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Why Does My Toothache Hurt More Before Bed?

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Person lying in bed holding their tooth in pain

There’s nothing worse than having a toothache that just doesn’t seem to fade. Even after calling your dentist for an emergency appointment, you may have to do what you can over the course of a few hours to ease the pain.

For many people, this can become even more of a challenge as they’re going off to bed. It’s common for people to notice that their teeth hurt a little bit more just as they lay down to go to sleep. If you’ve noticed this happening to you, there are a few reasons why that may be the case. Here are some examples.


Is Cosmetic Dentistry Safe?

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patients talking to their dentist

Cosmetic dentistry can offer patients the promise of taking a smile in virtually any condition and transforming it into something that you’d be happy to show off. However, as with much of dentistry, some people wonder whether the treatments are safe.

Fortunately, there are plenty of low-risk cosmetic dental treatments. If you want to know, here are some of the most common, and why their safety isn’t anything to worry about.


Which Dental Emergencies Cause Facial Pain?

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A woman experiencing facial pain

It’s normal to feel facial pain now and again. After all, little aches and twinges are a natural part of life. Still, this discomfort can get serious at times. Once in a while, the issue can signal a dental emergency! You’ll thus want to know when the pain warrants a dental visit. Fortunately, your local Fairfax dentist can help. To that end, here are three oral problems that cause face pain, their symptoms, and why they need an emergency dentist.


How to Whiten your Dentures

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woman smiling with a white set of dentures

When you get a new set of dentures, you’ll be pleased by how it feels to talk, chew, laugh, and smile again. One thing you might not expect, however, is how good it feels to have white teeth.

Your dentures will be white and beautiful the day you receive them, but you might see them discolor over time. If you want to keep them shining, here are a few ways you can do that.


4 of the Weirdest Dental Emergencies You’ll Be Glad Didn’t Happen to You

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Picture of a cute puppy

When you work in any industry for long enough, you start to pick up stories, and that goes double for dentists. Some people will do just about anything to avoid seeing a professional, and the consequences of that can be interesting, to say the least.

Once those stories get passed around enough, the “best” ones become legends. Here are four times people avoided getting the help they needed, and wound up with a dental emergency.


Speaking with Your New Dentures: Expectations and Tips!

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a woman smiling with dentures

Are you replacing your missing teeth with dentures? If so, you are probably looking forward to the confidence of a complete smile once again. These prosthetics not only give you natural-looking teeth but return your bite power. While you will quickly enjoy these benefits, it may take a little time to get used to speaking with your new dentures. Read on to learn more about what to expect and some helpful tips.


4 Essential Tips to Help Prevent a Dental Emergency

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a tooth in front of an emergency kit

Emergencies are a part of life. You never know when something random can happen that needs immediate attention. Fortunately, there are things you can do to protect your oral health so you will be less likely to have to take a trip to your emergency dentist. Read on to learn four ways to keep your mouth in its best condition to decrease your chances of a dental emergency.


3 Helpful Tips for Traveling with Invisalign

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Invisalign beside its case

When it comes to travel, this time of year is the busiest there is. If you’re going on a trip soon, it can be hard to balance enjoying your vacation with keeping up with your routines. If you’re also undergoing your Invisalign treatment, you may wonder if you can relax during the holidays and still stay on track. Here are a few ways to make that easy.


Are Broken Dentures a Dental Emergency?

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A set of dentures that have been split in half

Some people think that dental emergencies have to involve pain, but the truth is that there are many oral health issues that should be dealt with as soon as possible. This includes broken dentures. If your oral appliance has been damaged, you’re going to have a lot of trouble eating, speaking, and performing everyday tasks. Here’s what to do if your dentures are cracked or shattered.


Three Common Dental Flaws & Their Treatments

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Uneven teeth, one of the most common cosmetic dental flaws

So, let’s say your teeth don’t look very good. More specifically, your smile’s appearance is so poor that it bothers you. In that scenario, you’d probably want to fix your pearly whites so they live up to their name. Well, it turns out you could — just get some cosmetic dentistry! The field’s various treatments and services can quickly transform broken smiles into beautiful ones. In fact, your local dental practice is here to prove it. Read on to learn three cosmetic dental flaws in Fairfax that dentists can effectively treat.

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